Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grayson's First Month

We can't believe that we have had little Grayson in our family for a month already! It seems like we've had her forever and that we brought her home just yesterday at the same time. She is already getting bigger and has changed so much in just a month. She is getting even better at holding her head up by herself and her grasp is a lot stronger. The best thing is that she is able to focus on our faces more and hold eye contact with us and will turn her head to look at us if she hears our voices.

She is sleeping really well and only gets up twice a night. We owe this in part to the swaddle me wrap aka "The Baby Straightjacket" as Daddy calls it. She looks like she has been committed or that she is on her way to disarm some sort of explosive device but we think she really likes it and she seems to sleep much better all swaddled up.

Here are more photos of our first month together.

MAC, Craig, and Grayson